Thursday, March 26, 2009

Welcome Scott Hannaman to Artist Studios International

Scott Hannaman is an incredible painter living (and painting) somewhere in Kansas (smile).

Who better than Scott to explain his style:

Most of my life I have struggled with the desire to kick off my shoes and paint. Like most artists it is the most natural thing for me to do but like others the world has a way of convincing us to ignore that passion and to follow reason. Heck, we all have to eat...right? With a family and the daily responsibilities the rest of us have, finding time to paint is often a challenge. So when I do paint it is because I have to. It is not a laborious task by any means but more of a love affair with the freedom it gives me. I can create any sky I want, I can show the world what I am feeling or tell them something that is important to me. To some it is just a pretty picture to others it is a message or a statement but to the artist it is an intimate expression of themselves.
My goal with my art is to awaken your senses and to take you to a place that is maybe unfamiliar or maybe feels like home. Either way it is a place where we can feel the excitement of living, the calm of just being or the joy of solitude. I hope you enjoy my work as much as I have enjoyed painting it.

Scott Hannaman

It is an honor to offer his artwork on Art Studios International.

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